Career assessment helps you to discover who you really are and what your career options are. We then work with you to develop a strategy to achieve it.
Through our extensive experience at Positive Career Options, we have an excellent understanding of entry requirements for 3rd level programmes of education and the types of abilities and skills needed to succeed in these programmes.
Through our industry recruitment experience we also know what organisations are looking for when hiring new employees. We are fully licensed by the British Psychological Society in the administration and interpretation of a number of validated career inventories, ability tests, motivation, interests and values measurement tools.
We have a proven track record supporting people of all ages deciding on their career options.
Psychometric Tools We Use
General Occupational Interest Inventory | Career Interest Inventory | Holland Vocational Preference Inventory |
Advanced Occupational Interest Inventory | Harrington-O’Shea Career Decision Making | Advanced Occupational Preference Inventory |
Skillscope Questionnaire | O*NET Career Values Inventory | Deems Life/career Values Inventory |
Career Pathfinder-Indepth | General Abilities Profile | Differential Aptitude Test Battery |
Graduate and Managerial Assessment Tests | SHL Critical Reasoning Tests | SHL Advanced Managerial Reasoning Tests |
SHL Personnel Test Battery | OPQ32 | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator |